Citizen Out Book Trailer

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Are you as angry over this as I am?

My Proposition

Stories like this enrage me. The story that has just hit the news about an Argentina man who has been raping his daughter for 30 years and is the father of the 10 children she has given birth to.
This man has been arrested and is facing prison time but he faces a maximum of 20 years. THAT’S IT! This man held his daughter against her will for longer than that.
I think this would be a more appropriate sentence:


I want him to not be a burden on his Country or this Planet any longer. I want him to be the beginning of a new message we send, Touch a child inappropriately and you Die! He is lucky I am not in charge, I would spend days slowly confiscating the weapon he abused his daughter with for 30 years.

What are your comments? Check out the link and form your own opinion.

Citizen Out

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